Accreditation Review Committee for the Anesthesiologist Assistant (ARC-AA)
Jennifer Anderson Warwick
(612) 836 -3311
The Accreditation Review Committee for the Anesthesiologist Assistant (ARC-AA) serves, under the auspices of CAAHEP, to promote and advance the quality of educational programs for anesthesiologist assistants.
ARC-AA derives its identity from the policies of CAAHEP and its collaborating sponsors, the American Academy of Anesthesiologist Assistants (AAAA) and the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA). Together these organizations provide accreditation services for education programs producing entry-level allied health practitioners.
American Academy of Anesthesiologist Assistants (AAAA)
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)
Ty Townsend, CAA, Chair
Jermaine Leclerc, MHSc, MHSA, CAA (AAAA), Vice Chair
John Scott, MD (ASA), Treasurer
John Kimbell, CAA (AAAA), Immediate Past Chair
Lindsey Amerson, MHSc, CAA (AAAA)
Sam Gumbert, MD
Gaurav Patel, MD, FASA
Matt Pinegar, MD
Jennifer Anderson Warwick, MA, Secretary/Executive Director
Catherine Carter, MA, CAAHEP Liaison
Standards and Guidelines for the Accreditation of Educational Programs in Anesthesiologist Assistant (2016)
Request for Accreditation Services for Educational Programs for the Anesthesiologist Assistant
Part I - Report
Part II - Appendices
Policy Manual (January 2022)
Personnel Change Form (Program Director, Medical Director, Dean (equivalent), and President/CEO) Please select the ‘File’ menu and 'Download a copy’. Complete the form and email it to
Annual Reports are due each year on September 15 for all accredited programs. Following are tools to support the completion of the annual report, which is found here:
Annual Report User Guide
Resource Assessment Matrix
Site Visit Documents
documents to provide at the time of the site visit
Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda & Minutes template
Getting Started: an Action Plan is a plan for programs going through the accreditation process
January (2nd Tuesday) via web meeting
April (Saturday) @ AAAA Annual Meeting
July (2nd Tuesday) via web meeting
October (Friday) @ ASA Annual Meeting
Revising the CAAHEP Standards & Guidelines | Application for Task Force
In collaboration with the ARC-AA-appointed task force members, you will review the current CAAHEP Standards & Guidelines to identify necessary revisions and provide input as a community of interest. The application deadline is September 15, 2024.
The following survey tools are available via SurveyMonkey. Email for the instrument to be copied to the program's paid SurveyMonkey account.
Survey - Graduate
Survey - Employer
Survey - Student
Survey - Program Personnel